Mark Goldberg

Find out more about how Mark utilizes Adorack to assist small businesses.


Break a norm

Scheduling content for social media pages would take 10 to 15 hrs a week, but now is produced in half this time.

Efficient workflow management

With Adorack, Mark finds it easy to manage clients’ logins and access their social media pages seamlessly.

Measurable results

Mark scaled up his marginal revenue by signing up deals with so many multiple clients.








Work requests

Program management

Project management




From searching for content on social media to achieving quantifiable success on social media.

Mark is a social media manager from Ontario who does small services for clients in social media management. He gives his clients a wide range of IT and digital marketing services, including web design, social media management, and even SEO.

It was extremely difficult for him to consistently schedule content for a range of channels and report on our social media activities. Finding a product at the proper price to do this was challenging, and that was when he learned about the existence of Adorack and how notably it would impact his social media marketing job.

Future with Adorack

Mark says,

Adorack has allowed me to decrease the amount of time I would typically spend scheduling content, which was about 16 hours each week.

 He also said that the details Adorack put into their features have hit home with the clients and have achieved positive, measurable results.

Adorack has made it possible for Mark to connect with and engage his clients in a safe and confidential manner. He has not only reduced the amount of time he spends scheduling content for his clients by almost half, but he has also amassed an outstanding content library.

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